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Selecting The Right Veneers Dentist

When it comes to getting veneers, it is important to carefully select a veneer dentist to ensure that you get the best results.


There are several reasons why selecting the right dentist is important when getting veneers.

When shopping for veneers, it is important to understand that veneers are not a commodity. Each Veneer is individually crafted to fit your face, smile, shade, gum line, lip shape, and jaw.

Not all veneer material are equal. You may be convinced that a cheaper resin material is just as good as a high-end porcelain veneer. What you will not be told is that the cheaper resin material stains and has a lower lifetime value.

Our high-quality porcelain veneers remain pearly white forever. Our bonding process will give you the confidence in eating the same foods that you would normally. After we place your veneers, your smile is backed by our 10 year warranty. No other dentist in does that.

Here are five questions you should ask a cosmetic dentist first with answers below.

  • How much does each veneer unit cost? 

  • How many veneer cases do you average a month?

  • Will you replace my veneer if it comes off? 

  • Do you guarantee your work?

  • Will I need a mouth guard to protect my veneer?


Veneer costs vary but don't be put off by a high cost.  A porcelain veneer will last longer and looks more natural but is more costly.  Composites are cheaper but don't last as long and don't look or feel as natural.


Most dentists may do a couple veneer cases a year, but a great cosmetic dentist will do at least four a month.  As with all things, you are better off with someone who is experienced.


If a veneer fails and it wasn't caused by a hit to the mouth, a dentist should fix it at no cost to you.  


If there is no guarantee for your veneer, don't do it.  It is a significant investment and you need a dentist willing to stand by their work.  Our guarantee is 10 years.  

Say No To Mouth Guards!

If a dentist says you need a mouth guard, watch out!  That means that they have fixed your smile, but they have not fixed your bite.  The biggest damage to your new teeth are your other teeth.  A properly aligned bite will protect them for a lifetime. 

Schedule your consult now using our online scheduler to learn more about the difference of a high quality veneer office.

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An Expert Veneer dentist has the specialized training and expertise to create the perfect custom smile for your face. A successful smile has an optimal balance of teeth, mouth angle, and smile extent to hit a "sweet spot" of attractiveness. An Expert Veneer dentist has the skills and knowledge to create a smile that takes all of these factors into account and looks natural and authentic.

Our Expert Veneer dentist has access to advanced technology and techniques that can help ensure the best possible results. For example, we use both computer-animated 3D models and and impressions of your teeth to carefully plan out the placement of veneers and make sure they look seamless and natural. This level of precision and attention to detail is essential for creating a beautiful and successful smile. During our smile trial where we place temporary acrylic veneers on your teeth, we use our expertise and your feedback to craft the perfect smile for your.

When looking into veneers, select an Expert Veneer dentist. An Expert Veneer dentist has the specialized training, expertise, and access to advanced technology that can help ensure the best possible results. They can also help improve your overall well-being by helping you feel more confident and comfortable smiling.

Who Buys Veneers?

The primary demographic that opts for porcelain veneers typically falls into four key categories. These include:

Affluent Individuals: These clients value the transformative impact of veneers on their appearance and are willing to invest in achieving the perfect smile. A dentist's reputation and personal touch is more important than price.

Professionals in the Public Eye: For them, a flawless smile is not just a matter of vanity but also a professional requirement. Quality and warranties play a major role in decision making.

Image-conscious Millennials and Generation Z: With the rise of social media platforms, younger generations have become increasingly aware of and invested in their appearance. Millennials and Generation Z individuals are more likely to research dental solutions online. They are more price sensitive.

Individuals with Dental Issues: Individuals with dental concerns may seek veneers to both improve their appearance and resolve underlying issues. For them, rapport and treatment visualization is important.

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  • 721 Depot Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501

  • (970) 500-5937

  • ross@finept.com

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